Kochi metro rail final route map

Cabinet clears Kochi metro rail project
The Union Cabinet today cleared the over Rs. 5000-crore metro rail project for Kochi which will be the first city in Kerala to have such a transport facility. Union Minister Vyalar Ravi said "sanctioning of the Kochi Metro project is a major step in the development of Kerala". Image courtesy : http://kochimetro.org The cabinet at its meeting gave its go-ahead to the fully-elevated link, covering 25.6 km from Alwaye to Petta with 23 stations
Kochi metro rail final route map Kochi metro rail final route map Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on 9:35 PM Rating: 5


Shoumitro said...

When are the contracts going to be awarded? Please post the names of the consultants and contractors when contracts to them are awarded.

george said...

where actually is the stop at companypady?

Vastu Consultant said...

Hey you can find kochi metro timings here.

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