Kochi Metro Rail Project could be completed in 3 years time once the Centre gives its sanction

The proposed Kochi Metro Rail Project could be completed in three years time once the Centre gives its sanction, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Chairman E Sridharan said today.

The preliminary work in connection with the project, including land survey and station drawing, are on, he told reporters here.

When pointed out that no fund had been earmarked for the Kochi metro rail project in the central budget, he said that would not be a problem.

DMRC is the implementing agency for the project, which was proposed to be taken up as a Centre-state joint venture. It has been delayed for the last three years due to various reasons.

The elevated metro rail, expected to ease the traffic congestion in the city, is to be constructed on the model of Delhi Metro. - (Agencies)

Kochi Metro Rail Project could be completed in 3 years time once the Centre gives its sanction Kochi Metro Rail Project could be completed in 3 years time once the Centre gives its sanction Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on 9:57 PM Rating: 5


Whisky said...

It is heartening to hear that Kochi Metro Rail appears to be progressing. I wonder when the ryder ......" once the centre gives its sanction" is going to become a reality. Can anyone please give me an update on this and the current status

Kiran Nair

Ullas Ran said...

My native land is Kerala. I migrated UK during my youth age and been in the railway industry for the past 22 years being accountable at superior position for rail projects on metro, main line and high speed.
I am thrilled with the long term plan to implement metro projects throughout the major cities in India.
Mass transit plays a vital part in our younger generations in all aspects with regard to door to door journey time, congestion, pollution, economic growth, new business opportunities, employment, foreighn investments etc etc

Why did we wait so long?Financial initiatives and supports always been there provided there is a business case for the investment. Reduction in pollution itself is a major pre-qualifier.

What we need to remember is the ordinary general public including childrens who struggles on a day to day baisis to get from A to B

The project not only benefit the people but trigger the economic grwoth and urban development which Kerala is so far behind compare to other major cities in India.

Ullas Ran

pradeep said...

The author needs to update the blog and change this article's date to today.. would still hold true.

The Kochi Metro rail project is still being debated.

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